Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Winter Update

Fantastic Fourth Grade Flash-December 

Dear Mavericks, 

Please read the information below on what is going on in fourth grade!


The fourth grade team

Test Dates:

Math-Thursday, December 13
Reading-Thursday, December 13

Winter Parties:

Our winter party is on Thursday December 20 from 1:30-2:30.  Feel free to come by and join the fun!  Parents are invited to check their student out after to take them home for the day!

Report Cards:

Report cards go home on Friday, December 21.  Please remember to keep the papers inside and return the signed envelope in January of 2019 to your child's teacher.

Lost and Found:

Please look at the pictures directly below to see if anything in the lost and found could be found and make its way back to your home!

Back to school: January 8

To start off the third nine weeks, we will be implementing the behavior card once again.  We are using it as a communication tool with parents.  However,  you will not sign weekly and there will not be stickers given.  It is simply a way to let parents know what their kiddos are up to at school-positive and negative.

New Lunch Policy Starting in January for the building:  

Letter from Mr. Steele

Mathews Families,

I have exciting news. Beginning January 9th, parents may come to eat with their children. We want this to be a success, so please consider waiting a week or two before coming so that we are not overwhelmed with families the first week this is in place. In order for this to be a positive experience for all parents, children, and staff, please follow all procedures listed below.

* Please be sure to come several minutes early as you will need to check in at the front office and get a badge in order to go to the cafeteria. You will need a picture ID in order to check in. If you do not bring identification, you will not be allowed to come in for lunch. This is for the safety of our children. Feel free to bring grandparents or other family members as long as they have IDs as well.

* Since students tend to get very excited about a parent visit, please refrain from telling your child you are coming if you may not be able to do so.

* If you have multiple children who attend Mathews, you will need to go to each lunch individually, as we will not be able to pull them during a non-lunch time.

* Feel free to bring lunch for you and your child, or you may go through the cafeteria line. The cost of lunch is $3.75, cash or check, for adults. You may not bring lunch for other children.

* There are labeled tables inside of the cafeteria where you can eat with your child. We have a small cafeteria, however, we will do the best we can to accommodate our families as they arrive. Families must sit at one table per family. If more families arrive than available tables, we will have multiple families sit together due to the number of families. Lunch at Mathews is not a time for family friends or neighbors to come sit together during lunch.

* Other students may not come and eat with you.

* Please do not feed your child as they need to feed themselves.

* When lunch is over for your child, please go back to the office, turn in your badge and leave through the front door. While we understand you may like to take your child to class or leave out the doors by the cafeteria, you are not allowed to go to the classrooms, out to recess, or to other areas of the school and you must sign out before leaving the building. We do not want to interrupt instruction or playtime with friends.

* If we find that there consistently isn't enough space for the number of parents having lunch, we will look at specific days weekly or another manner in which to divide the time. However, it is our sincere goal to not limit dates or times.

*** If dropping off lunch for your child, beginning January 9th, please do so in the front office no later than 15 minutes before your child's lunch begins***

We hope you enjoy the opportunity to eat with your children. Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.

Ryan Steele
Mathews Principal

Lunch Schedule
Kinder 11:30-12:00                                 First 12:00-12:30                                    Second 10:30-11:00
Third 1:00-1:30                                      Fourth 12:30-1:00                                  Fifth 11:00-11:30          

Ryan Steele
Mathews Elementary 

Camp Info

Dear Almost 5th Grade Parents, Teachers will be sending home more information about fifth grade camp for next year.  Please keep an eye...